It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that Kayleigh and I haven’t put out an episode of Meddling Kids in way too long. Our work schedules just haven’t allowed it to happen and that’s not going to be changing anytime soon. Rather than sit here and continue to tell ourselves and you, the listeners, that the show will go on we’ve come to the hard decision to end things.

I spoke with Julie a bit ago and she still does not have the time available to do the show herself. Which is why she passed Meddling Kids over to us in the first place. I’m grateful that she thought we were worthy of filling the void she left when she had to stop making this podcast and wish that we could have pulled it off. Unfortunately, that just didn’t happen.

The show will stay online as long as I host my other things with Pinecast. The Facebook group will stay active because I see no reason to shut that down. The Twitter account has been dead for a long time anyway.I’d like to thank everyone who stuck with us while we tried to give this show that everyone loved a chance at continuing and I wish it would have worked out. Taking over for hosts that everyone loved the way that people loved Julie and Steven is a monumental task and, in the end, turned out to be one that people thought we just weren’t up for. If the listeners aren’t enjoying the show, then it takes all the fun out of it for Kayleigh and me and once a podcast stops being fun there’s no reason to make it anymore.

I’m sorry that we couldn’t give you what you wanted. I’m sorry that we’ve dragged this decision out for so long. But what I’ll never be sorry for is that we gave it a shot when Julie came to the decision that she couldn’t do it anymore either.