An Australian and a Californian discuss WikiLeaks for your infotainment. Today we were joined by Vietnam Veteran Edward Dyer, and Musician Christopher Sisk. We discussed the incident caught on film of the USA Soldiers urinating on the dead bodies in Afghanistan, and whether or not artificial soldiers would be any better, and Edward provided a soldiers' perspective. We discussed war video games, post traumatic stress disorder, the high rate of suicide in war veterans, and the peril of reporting the truth of what happens on the ground during war. Fox "News" came up during that conversation. We then looked at Al Qaeda presence in Yemen, following on from last weeks' discussion about the NDAA passing, where one of the reasons for it was because, until this bill passed, the US citizen who was vocal about traveling to Yemen to seek out terrorist training could not be picked up for it, but now he could be, hopefully before he shoots up a bunch of people in a mall. Cables discussed specifically were #09SANAA1963 and #10SANAA317. We also looked at the SOPA/PIPA protest that was taking place today, and Christopher provided a musicians' perspective. Pamela sang a little bit too....sorry about that!! Finally we discussed Playboy and Hugh Hefner as an activist, and how scary it is that television shows about murder are a dime a dozen, but a wee bit of nipple has to be shown after 9pm.