Today’s topic is held in a bigger topic: On Change. Our more precise focus today is on abundance and scarcity and how it shows up in our lives. 

Abundance can be both joyful and a burden. It can mean safety and plenty of food, good health and social connection, many other things,  but pushed too far, it becomes too much… a need for ever-more of whatever it is that makes us feel safe. Grasping. Taking more than our share. So, what if we redefine abundance? What if abundance, disconnected from fear of scarcity, is more a practice of presence? Being open to what is here, right now… What does abundance look like from that place? Or, what if abundance is about sharing, not stockpiling? 

We meander around this, and so much more.

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Episode links:

Chapman Coaching Inc.

Big Stone House

Khalil Gibran, The Prophet

The Big Apple

Mary Oliver, American poet

Royalty free music is called Sunday Stroll – by Huma-Huma