“It all goes back to framing – we can go through something wonderful and see everything as bad, or we can go through something horrible and see the goodness in it.” For Chaviva Lifson, as she says, how we experience things, and how we hold them afterwards, is all about perspective, as she tells us in the story of making the Purim cookie, Hamantaschen. “There is a whole lot that we can reframe from things not working.” 

All this feeling stuff takes place in our heart. And we talk about that, and more, in this episode. 

We also explore other ways of the heart… the need that we all have to find that thing that lights us up from within… be it baking, or playing guitar, sewing or whatever. I share a bit of what lights me up – these conversations on my podcast, but talking to people generally and connecting over things that matter to us in that moment. Oh, and baking bread, and sourdough… we end with sourdough. Too. Much. Fun! This was such a good conversation. I hope you enjoy this meander about heart and how it shows up for us in daily life.