The criminal indictment of the Trump Organization puts Donald Trump squarely in the crosshairs of legal jeopardy. But a wounded Trump is still a dangerous Trump; creating a new urgency to jumpstart his political life and remain viable as a candidate. He won’t run because he’s afraid to lose. But as long as his MAGA base thinks he’ll run, the more money he can raise. In addition, he can claim that the DA is only coming after him as a political vendetta. But to remain viable, Trump must appeal to an extremist base that is more prone to conspiracy thinking, violence, racism and hatred. All of this was on display last weekend at his first public rally and will only intensify as his legal troubles mount.

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The criminal indictment of the Trump Organization puts Donald Trump squarely in the crosshairs of legal jeopardy. But a wounded Trump is still a dangerous Trump; creating a new urgency to jumpstart his political life and remain viable as a candidate. He won’t run because he’s afraid to lose. But as long as his MAGA base thinks he’ll run, the more money he can raise. In addition, he can claim that the DA is only coming after him as a political vendetta. But to remain viable, Trump must appeal to an extremist base that is more prone to conspiracy thinking, violence, racism and hatred. All of this was on display last weekend at his first public rally and will only intensify as his legal troubles mount.

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