We are going into the clouds in our latest podcast episode release. We're going to shine a spotlight on the SaaS (Software as a Service) industry which is essentially a +140 billion dollar industry space and growing!

We invite Frank Wang, an engineering expert in the SaaS field to talk to us about this massive tech space. Born in China and went to Canada for college, Frank graduated with Computer Science major and Business minor degree. He then joined BusinessObjects as a software engineer and helped build their first SaaS product Business Intelligence On Demand back in 2007. BusinessObjects then sold its business to SAP and Frank moved to the Bay Area and joined a startup called Vlocity as employee number eleven. In 2017, Frank got into investing and studied the markets for over 8000 hours and all his investments are in tech space and majority are in SaaS companies.

Are SaaS companies investable from an engineer’s standpoint? What makes a SaaS company stand out? Listen to this podcast to hear what Frank has to say.

Follow us on Instagram: @mmarketgoliath

Follow Frank on Twitter @FrankYanWang