Father Joseph and Sister Mary attempt some.. unorthodox methods of "curing" Johnny. Eve and Bilé have a heart to heart and settle on a new goal. Sadie meets her real boss to disastrous effect.(edited)

Created David Young

Written by:

Faye Fox https://twitter.com/FayeFox_16

Adam Lloyd https://twitter.com/HorseMorsel

David Young https://twitter.com/skeletond100

Johnny is voiced by Adam Lloyd https://twitter.com/HorseMorsel

Vet and Father Joseph are voiced by Jordan Heaver https://twitter.com/jeaver15

Eve is voiced by Kat Walker Shea https://twitter.com/RomeroIsDoneFor

Bilé is voiced by Faye Fox https://twitter.com/FayeFox_16

Sadie is voiced by Claudia Vecchi https://claudyview.com/

Lunette is voiced by Megan Lee https://www.twitch/tv/missmegs

Miri is voiced by Marnie Warner https://twitter.com/Marnie_McFly

Elbis is voiced by AlphaGammaZX https://www.youtube.com/AlphaGammaZX

Hunter Berkely is voiced by Lex "Crimock" Hankin https://twitter.com/CrimockLyte

Reporter and Intern were voiced by Megan Palmer https://twitter.com/ThatOtherMegan

Camera Guy is voiced by Andrew Tuersley https://twitter.com/tudsley

Make Up Artist and Microphone Woman are voiced by Ashley Teague https://twitter.com/lateague112

God and James are voiced by David Young https:/twitter.com/skeletond100

Rufus Burdoch is voiced by Jakob C. Tassé https://twitter.com/Jakall128

Victoria is voiced by Grainne Noel https://twiter.com/grainne

All sound effects and music are from freesound.org under a Creative Commons 0 license.

Transcript: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jj8ImeqFREuPuKXYcFXgKfIRjLi9JjXt/view?usp=sharing

Patreon: https://patreon.com/thelazyskeleton

Merch: http://tee.pub/lic/kEihbscedXc

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/memydemonandi

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