Previous Episode: 169: Dungeons

Welcome back to the Celestree, where we join our little band mid (mid-air) assault! Everyone's finally on the right ship, and we do things!

Keep in mind, we're not trying to do a highly produced actual-play, we're aiming more to show what you can get just having fun with your friends around a table. That said, this was a lot of fun to play, and I hope you all enjoy listening as much as we did playing!


The Cast:

  Ben -- GM (and wrangler of cats)

   Eric -- Prangalar (catfolk scout)

   Hagan -- Groth (orcish primalist)

   Terry C -- Barnelby (gnome bard)

   Steve (New) -- Kulweg (gnome alchemist)

   Steve (Old) -- Karlax (crystal-based bioroid tech)

     The setting is one of Ben's creation, and we'll let you discover it through the course of our story. Of course, feel free to ask questions in the Discord, as we can all be found there. And in about 2 weeks, the next installment should arrive!


We greatly appreciate the donations of our Patreon supporters: Eric Witman, Jeff McKinney, Joshua Gopal-Boyd, Dave Smith, Brett Bowen, Streety, and Nate Doverspike!  Y'all make keeping this going possible!


As always folks, have fun, be kind to each other, and go play some rpgs!


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