Good things come to those who wait, you patience has paid off and here is our session 0 and a full session 1 of Monster Of the Week! I want to thank Ben for running this for us he's a very talented GM and very grateful that he was able to take over while we were between campaigns. This short campaign was recorded over the holidays so there is a rotating door of players. Longer episode this week but well worth it! 

Thank you Ben Ricky and Hagen for recording this with us.

The GamerNation Con 8 Kickstarter campaign has funded and closed! As of the time of release I don't have another link to give you, so check for updates here! --


*We have an affiliate link with Drive-Thru RPG.  All this does, is give us a small percentage of your purchase cost on Drive-Thru as a "referral bonus".  It does not cost you, as a consumer, anything extra.*


Retrostar by Spectrum Games


We greatly appreciate the donations of our Patreon supporters: Eric Witman, Jeff McKinney, Jesse!, Joshua Gopal-Boyd, Dave Smith, and Brett Bowen!  Y'all make keeping this going possible!


As always folks, have fun, be kind to each other, and go play some rpgs!


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