We all know it, those jitters, that uncertainty if we did a good enough job running the game, did everyone have enough fun?  Oh, yeah, and the things we get wrong, what if they know?  Anxiety over GMing is real, and I think, normal, but to talk about it, and maybe help us all deal with it a little bit, we're joined by Amber (@Rocketorca) from Geekspective, who does a lot in our little gaming world, from podcasting to graphic design, and al kinds of other cool stuff!  So join us for a cool and fun conversation about some ways to deal with stressing yourself out!


     Links for Amber



 @rocketorca of Twitter https://twitter.com/rocketorca

and @rockertorca_art on Twitter and Instagram


d20 Network spotlight:  Shared Sagas -- https://sharedsagas.podbean.com/


Game of the Week

     Steve G:  Teddy the RPG -- https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/393607/Teddy-the-RPG?affiliate_id=2018399

     Amber:  Crescent Moon -- https://pocketcompass.itch.io/crescentmoon

     Steve S:  Something is Wrong with the Chickens -- https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/394040/Something-Is-Wrong-With-The-Chickens??affiliate_id=2018399


*We have an affiliate link with Drive-Thru RPG.  All this does, is give us a small percentage of your purchase cost on Drive-Thru as a "referral bonus".  It does not cost you, as a consumer, anything extra.*


We greatly appreciate the donations of our Patreon supporters: Eric Witman, Jeff McKinney, Jesse!, and Joshua Gopal-Boyd!  Y'all make keeping this going possible!


As always folks, have fun, be kind to each other, and go play some rpgs!


You can reach us at [email protected]

On Facebook as Me and Steve RPG Podcast

On Twitter @AndRPGs

on TikTok @meandsteverpgpodcast

Support us on Patreon:  https://www.patreon.com/MeandSteveTalkRPGs


Join us on our Discord! Me And Steve RPG Discord  https://discord.gg/5wWNcYW


We are proud members of the d20 Radio Network! http://www.d20radio.com/main/



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