This week we get a little more tactical and crunchy than is perhaps our usual. This week we're again joined by Doug from Gaming Ballistic to talk about his Dungeon Fantasy RPG solo adventure Saethor's Bane (Currently on Backerkit), as well as some talk about GURPS, and just general gamer nerdery conversation! Doug also lets us in on some snippets from the publishing side of being an RPG creative, and we just generally geek out!


Links for Gaming Ballistic:
      Saethor's Bane on Backerkit --

     Website --

     Shopify Storefront --


d20 Network Spotlight: GamerNationCon 9 --


Game of the Week:

     Steve S: Owen K C Stephens is RAD bundle --

     Doug:  Nights Black Agents --


Also, because he is just an excellent person, and he could use the help, if you're so inclined and able, please help out Owen K C Stephens in his battle with cancer, and medical bills!  Link to the GoFundMe for him -->


*We have an affiliate link with Drive-Thru RPG.  All this does, is give us a small percentage of your purchase cost on Drive-Thru as a "referral bonus".  It does not cost you, as a consumer, anything extra.*


We greatly appreciate the donations of our Patreon supporters: Eric Witman, Jeff McKinney, Joshua Gopal-Boyd, Dave Smith, Brett Bowen, Rasmus R Byriel, Streety, and Nate Doverspike!  Y'all make keeping this going possible!


As always folks, have fun, be kind to each other, and go play some rpgs!


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