We made it to 100!!!  So to celebrate, we invited back a previous guest who likes just as varied a selection of games as we do, someone who writes about rpgs in lots of places, Egg Embry! Also, Egg has just released a cool little playtest for a game he's working on called Human... Almost. We chat about that, and assorted other things in our own Me and Steve way!

     You can find Egg either on Facebook (Egg Embry) or Twitter (@eggembry), or in many places his work appears, from the d20 Network blog, to ENWorld, to Knights of the Dinner Table, and more.

     You can also find his games on Drive-Thru (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/16964/Egg-Embry-Publishing?affiliate_id=2018399) or Itch.io (https://eggembry.itch.io/)


d20 Network Spotlight - Werewolf the Podcast -- https://keepontheheathlands.podbean.com/


Game of the Week

     Egg E: Mazes Fantasy Roleplaying -- https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/404181/Mazes-Fantasy-Roleplaying?affiliate_id=2018399

     Steve G: Felt, Friendship, and Feelings -- https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/383038/Felt-Friendship-and-Feelings?affiliate_id=2018399

     Steve S: Space 1889 -- https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/139315/Space-1889-Core-Rulebook?affiliate_id=2018399


*We have an affiliate link with Drive-Thru RPG.  All this does, is give us a small percentage of your purchase cost on Drive-Thru as a "referral bonus".  It does not cost you, as a consumer, anything extra.*


The Steves will be at the Pittsburgh Gaming Expo in Monroeville PA (just outside Pittsburgh) on Oct 1&2, 2022.  We'll be doing a panel or 2, running some games, and just hanging out enjoying the fun!  For more info, check out https://www.pghretrogaming.com/.  Gaming of many sorts, bands, and just fun!


We greatly appreciate the donations of our Patreon supporters: Eric Witman, Jeff McKinney, Jesse!, Joshua Gopal-Boyd, and Dave Smith!  Y'all make keeping this going possible!


As always folks, have fun, be kind to each other, and go play some rpgs!


Join the conversation on our Discord! Me And Steve RPG Discord  https://discord.gg/5wWNcYW

You can reach us at [email protected]

On Facebook as Me and Steve RPG Podcast

On Twitter @AndRPGs

on TikTok @meandsteverpgpodcast

Support us on Patreon:  https://www.patreon.com/MeandSteveTalkRPGs


We are proud members of the d20 Radio Network! http://www.d20radio.com/main/


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