Our latest podcast is the Independence Day: Resurgence spoilercast!  Gavin and Iain discuss the new Independence Day movie in depth and with spoilers from the very beginning (you have been warned!) We talk about that alien ******, what happened to P******** W*******, why J*** was a waste of space and how funny it is that C**** is […]

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Our latest podcast is the Independence Day: Resurgence spoilercast!  Gavin and Iain discuss the new Independence Day movie in depth and with spoilers from the very beginning (you have been warned!)

We talk about that alien ******, what happened to P******** W*******, why J*** was a waste of space and how funny it is that C**** is all up in this shit!

If you agree or disagree with our take, let us know! Hit us up on twitter, email us at [email protected] or use the contact us form here on the site.


The post Independence Day: Resurgence Spoiler-cast appeared first on McYapandFries.com.