Sean Gryb (Radboud) gives a talk in the colloquium "Journeys in Platonia: Celebrating 50 Years Since The End of Time" at the 17th UK and European Meeting on the Foundations of Physics (29-31 July, 2013) titled "Barbour's Shape Space as an Ontology for Gravity". Abstract: I will give a personal account of the development of the conformally invariant version of ‘Shape Dynamics’. The story will be told from three perspectives: i) a historical one, highlighting the role of College Farm and the unique interactions with Julian Barbour, ii) a philosophical one, describing a simple observation about the meaning of local scale in physics, and iii) a formal one, showing how an early observation of Poincare ́ combined with York’s method for solving the initial value problem in General Relativity led a concrete implementation of Barbour’s ontology.