Fabrice Correia (Neuchâtel) gives a talk at the MCMP Colloquium (15 November, 2012) titled "Logical Grounds". Abstract: Philosophers have recently displayed a strong interest in the idea that some facts or truths hold in virtue of - or, as they say, are grounded in - others facts or truths. Grounding come in various sorts, and my talk will focus on logical grounding as opposed to e.g. metaphysical or normative grounding. I will (i) offer a proof-theoretic characterisation of the concept relative to propositional and first-order languages, (ii) show that so characterised, the concept can be used to characterise some notions of truth-in-a-model and various semantic consequence relations, and finally (iii) connect my concept of logical grounding with the notion of groundedness put forward by Kripke in his "Outline of a Theory of Truth".