Anthony Cuchhi, DO, discusses common causes of back pain, treatment options, and when surgery may need to be considered.

In the episode, Dr. Cucchi addresses the following:

1) What are some of the primary causes of back pain? What are the most common conditions you see in your practice?

2) For our listeners, how can they tell when back pain is just a temporary issue like a muscle strain, or something more serious?

3) Most people don’t want surgery, especially on their back. What options should people consider prior to turning to surgery?

4) Historically, back surgery has been a pretty scary thought for most folks. But with newer technology and advanced procedures, recovery can be very different than is was even a decade ago. Describe some typical differences in recovery and outcomes over the years, as a result of newer technology and procedures.

5) As an experienced orthopedic spine surgeon, there’s a wide range of procedures you may perform on any given day. Are there procedures that you tend to perform more often? Can you describe a few of those procedures and what conditions they’re used to treat?

6) What advice can you share with listeners who may be experiencing back pain, but are unsure if it’s serious?