
Herd size fluctuations
Price volatility looks to calm

Economy & energy

Stock market will look better than 2022
No big drops to energy due to plentiful reserves


Weather concerns for the #11 crop
Expect great #16 crops from Louisiana and Florida
Beet crops will be planted on time!


Acreage will compete once again with soybeans
Prices releasing by Q4?


Increase in production for U.S.
Decrease on the global front

Edible oils

Optimism once we get through Q1
Prices should equalize between soybean oil and canola oil

McKeany-Flavell’s Spring Seminar coming April 26, 2023!

Mark your calendars
Registration opens in January

Happy Holidays!

Host: Michael Caughlan, President & CEO
Expert: Jeffrey Rasinski, Consultant
Expert: Shawn Bingham, Director of Risk Management
Expert: Craig Ruffolo, Vice President – Commodity Specialist
Expert: Eric Thornton, Commodity Specialist
Expert: Nicole Thomas, Vice President – Information Services