Corn & soy complex

Corn and soybean balance sheets reflect status quo
Soybean ending stocks improve
Brazil soybean crop phenomenal!

Edible oils

Soybean oil: Reduction in crush
Vegetable oil up YOY


U.S. wheat balance sheet rises “an entire” 1 million bushel: Hardly any changes
USDA finally raised Russian wheat crop production, but was it enough?


Beet production raised 52,000 STRV to 5.1 million STRV
Louisiana cane production lowered 83,000 STRV on December freeze damage

2023 Spring Market Seminar registration is now open!

April 26, 2023 in Oak Brook, IL
Visit to register!


Host: Michael Caughlan, President & CEO
Expert: Nicole Thomas, Vice President – Information Services
Expert: Eric Thornton, Commodity Specialist
Expert: Kevin Combs, Vice President – Global Sweeteners Specialist