
Exports down: Still a little high?
Domestic stocks maintain more than 2.0 billion for 2023/24

Soy complex

Soybean yield lowered to 50.9 bushels per acre
Globally, not many changes to production: Argentina still not reduced!
Food consumption for soybean oil continues to be strong


Little pullback in yield and acreage
Exports lowered
Many changes ahead for global production

India wheat production stays the same: Why?
China, EU, and Canada reduced: Makes sense
Ukraine crop revised higher: Way to go, Ukrainian farmers!


Sugar deliveries lowered once again: Should it be even lower?
2022/23 ending stocks up
Production in Louisiana and Texas lowered

Host: Michael Caughlan, President & CEO
Expert: Nicole Thomas, Vice President – Information Services
Expert: Eric Thornton, Commodity Specialist
Expert: Kevin Combs, Vice President – Global Sweeteners Specialist