Selling a home is a complicated process. Here’s a simple rule to remember when it comes to pricing correctly.
Having a strong pricing strategy is one of the most important parts of selling a home. A seller may be under the impression that if they price a home too high and they don’t get the amount of showings or offers they like, they can just reduce the price later.

However, by doing that, you basically eliminate the true buyers that would be a good fit for the property. If a home is priced too high from the start, the buyers who would look at the home if it was priced appropriately won’t even get to see it.

You should avoid price reductions.
It’s important to work with an agent who has knowledge of the local market. They will be the best tool to have on your side when it comes to pricing your home right and getting it sold. They’ll make sure you capture the right buyers from the beginning, hopefully turning the sale of your property into a bidding war.

If you have any questions about pricing your home or about real estate in general, give me a call or send me an email. I would love to hear from you.