If you plan on selling your home, there are five simple things you can do to entice homebuyers in record time.
If you plan on selling your home, here are five tips to help you entice buyers in record time: 

1. Stage the house. Make sure the property is depersonalized and decluttered. You want to showcase the space, not your belongings. People want to be able to envision their own things in your house. Staging will ultimately help you get a higher offer as well.  

2. Boost the curb appeal. Buyers get their first impression of your home when they drive up, so make sure there isn’t any dead grass or brown shrubs. Clear the walkways up to the front door and make sure everything looks nice and neat. Curb appeal has a huge impact on buyers—it’s how they decide whether or not to see the inside of the house.  

3. Brighten up your living space. No buyer wants to walk into a dark, dreary house, so replace or clean all of your light bulbs both inside and outside the house. The same goes for lamps. You can also install mirrors over your fireplace or in the dining room to create the illusion of more space. 

4. Make energy efficient upgrades. Add insulation to your attic and replace your thermostat with a programmable one. You can also update the weather stripping on doors and windows. Any energy efficient changes will be a great selling point. 

Promote your listing on social media!
5. Promote your property everywhere, especially on social media. Post your listing to Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Let your circle of friends and family share your listing to their personal networks. Everyone starts searching for homes online and through social media these days, so you need to make sure your property can be found. 

If you have any other questions about selling your home, just give me a call or send me an email. I would be happy to help you!