On this latest episode Elwood and Stephen take a look at Wong Kai-War's Chungking Express, a film comprised of two rather untraditional love stories as Takeshi Kaneshiro plays a cop who finds himself caught up Brigitte Lin's mysterious drug smuggler. At the same time Tony Leung (also playing a cop) who in attempting to get over the loss of his girlfriend (Valerie Chow) attracts the interest of the quirky snack bar worker Faye (Faye Wong) who has become determined to improve his situation

They also share thier Asian cinema shames as they reveal the films they perhaps should have seen but for whatever reason have yet to, while also taking a look at the films of Kim Ki-duk

Further Watching

Fallen Angels
Samaritan Girl


For a list of all films covered on the show - https://letterboxd.com/elwood_jones/list/the-asian-cinema-film-club/

For more of Elwood's movie rants check out - http://fromthedepthsofdvdhell.blogspot.co.uk/

Channel Superhero (Buffy Reviews) http://channelsuperhero.com/

TV Good Sleep Bad - https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/tvgoodsleepbad

Game Warp - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC22znoEAGd8ZSOBHP9ky1kQ

For More of Stephen's movie writing - https://gweiloramblings.wordpress.com/

Eastern Kicks - www.easternkicks.com