The Tombstone Thunderbird is a tall tale from 1890 about two cowboys who claimed they shot and killed a mysterious flying creature with a wing span of 160 feet! The news hit the Tombstone Epigraph and became the legend it is today. There is much skepticism and confusion over the pictures and details of this story that have varied as the years go by. It would be confirmed years later that these men did actually see and shoot at something in the sky. What it was is still a mystery. The Solomon Islands are a large chain of islands in the Pacific Ocean near Papua New Guinea that are said to contain a race of ancient giants. Stories of these giants gained popularity after World War II, when Japanese and American soldiers claimed they had encounters with huge, red haired giants, during the battle of Guadalcanal. The indigenous people of the Solomon Islands claimed that these giants are a god-like race that that have lived on the islands since the beginning. Some of the indigenous people even claim that the people living on the islands today are descendants of these mythical creatures. *Sound quality alert* One of the microphones was off and Nick sounds quite. We apologize. The rest of us sound great.


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