Hi Guys, I am excited to be back with our second episode of the new year! I am continuing with my theme of the who, what, when, where, why, how? I guess it's the English major in me :-) But, I also feel like it is a great way to kick off the new year and decade!On this episode, I talk about discovering who you are... I discuss understanding what values are important to you and how this drives everything in your life (especially career). I give my opinion on values, life, and personality tests..I hope you enjoy and afterall, it's just MaYapinion :-) Notable pages:https://www.personalityperfect.com/entj-the-commander-personality-profile/https://psychcentral.com/quizzes/personality/start.phphttps://www.onlinepersonalitytests.org/disc/ XOXO Maya