Welcome Inbal Claudio to the podcast this week! She is the founder of Like Minded Collective - A social media platform for dreamers, creators and female founders to build genuine personal relationships and amplify their business!. Here's a bit more about Like Minded Collective and Inbal in her words:

Inbal Claudio was born in Israel, and aside from a 4-year stint in North Carolina has spent the majority of her life in Southern California where she currently lives with her husband and 2 little daughters. As a candle maker, turned tech founder, her passion for networking with women entrepreneurs has led her to create Like Minded Collective, a social media platform for dreamers, creators and female founders. Her mission is to make sure every single female founder, no matter what stage of business they’re in, know how incredible they are!

Like Minded Collective - A social media platform for dreamers, creators and female founders to build genuine personal relationships and amplify their business! "I decided to build out a tech platform to help as many female founders as I can with absolutely no tech experience. The drive to create something that can help so many women thrive was the driving factor in every decision I make! I want to be an example for my two little girls that they can do absolutely anything! I think talking about women and leadership is SO important! In an industry where women are underrepresented, it's so important to build that confidence to go out there and follow your dreams, and even more so, show other women that it's possible!"

Sign up for Like Minded Collective here:


Connect with Inbal here:



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