In February 2022, the Swiss magazine L'Illustré published an article about pre-war Ukraine and included a story about the innovation park  UNIT.City Dominique Piotet was running at that moment as an example of a developing and blooming Ukraine.

On the podcast Swiss photojournalist Niels Ackermann and French journalist Sébastien Gobert, both specializing on Ukraine,  speak from the perspective of independent reporters about the war in Ukraine which lasts over 9 years, the media presence of Ukraine, the war fatigue in Europe and the world, and positive trends of the current situation.

This episode was recorded on May, 24, 2023, when ruzzians attacked New York, a small city in the East of Ukraine, and a teenage girl was wounded. In 2021 Niels Ackermann and Sébastien Gobert wrote a book about Ukrainian New York. 

Their previous common book "Looking for Lenin" was issued in 2017 and dedicated to the de-communization of Ukraine. The authors hunted down and photographed banned statues of Lenin, revealing their inglorious fate. 

Also, Dominique Piotet mentioned a 3D-printing project he's co-managing now in Lviv, Ukraine. Here you can learn more:

The podcast MI: Ukrainian Pitch is an independent media, we don’t have sponsors or any financing. If you want to support us, feel free to donate via PayPal: 

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