Ep #216: Speak Up and Stand Out with Jessica Chang Irish

It’s not enough to have a seat at the leadership table. You need to have a voice. But let’s be real: Leading a presentation, introducing yourself at a networking event, or speaking on stage can not only feel stressful…it can feel downright dangerous. So how can you consistently put yourself out there when the idea of speaking into a microphone sends you into fight or flight mode? I’ve invited public speaking coach Jessica Chang Irish on this episode of Women Changing Leadership with Stacy Mayer to show you how. Jessica is an Emmy-award-winning news reporter turned public speaking coach who empowers and trains women in leadership to look and sound confident and credible when speaking on stage, in the boardroom, or at networking events. And in this episode, she is going to give you inspiring and highly practical advice so you can speak up, stand out, and be recognized as the brilliant executive leader you already are.

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