Ep #218: How Working Less Will Help You Get Promoted More

You know that person at work who has a seat at the table, gets paid well, has lots and lots of influence, and continues to get promotion after promotion…but they also seem to put in less hours, deliver less projects, and maybe even care less about the organization than you do? You may be annoyed with this person, but I actually want you to follow their lead. At the executive level, you’re not getting paid by how many hours your butt is in your seat. You’re getting paid for your ideas, your visionary leadership, your ability to make hard decisions, your ability to problem solve at a higher level and more. And the best way to have the time and mental bandwidth to do all of the above and more is to start doing less at work. So in this episode of Women Changing Leadership, I’m going to walk you through the advanced executive skills I have been teaching my clients so they can work less while being rewarded more than ever before.

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