It’s our annual year-end extravaganza when all of our most frequent contributors gather on a single episode to discuss the year in review at the theater in New York City. This is the second half of our two part year-end podcast and we take listener questions! For the first-half of the[...]

It’s our annual year-end extravaganza when all of our most frequent contributors gather on a single episode to discuss the year in review at the theater in New York City. This is the second half of our two part year-end podcast and we take listener questions! For the first-half of the year-end podcast, click here

Jack, Diep, Jose, David, Liz and Lindsay tackle questions from our listeners (Thank you for your questions!):

What performer/performance this year moved your Kinsey number? (3:10)
I want to know the biggest disconnect you experienced between the marketing for a show (whether it was a tagline, a review, a production photo, artwork, etc.) and the actual show. (11:50)
What was the worst case of theater FOMO you suffered this year? (19:24)
What show do you wish more audiences had a chance to see? (21:00)
What show in the past season would you send your best enemy to? (25:07)
What show was entirely not what you expected, but that was thrilling and thoroughly enjoyed anyway? (32:40)
What was your favorite line of a show you saw this year? And why? (38:01)
What is the show or moment at the theater in the last year will you remember 10 years from now? (44:25)
What was the best piece of theater you saw outside NYC this year? (50:15)
Did you leave any shows early? What shows and when did you leave? (57:50)
What made you cry at the theater in 2016? (1:00:08)
Who saw the most shows?! (1:03:48)

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