Mac Rogers is a wizard at translating sci-fi, a genre most commonly associated with comic books and movies, to the stage. His plays include The Honeycomb Trilogy, Viral, and the forthcoming Universal Robots, produced by Gideon Productions at the Sheen Center, June 3rd through the 26th. Tickets are only $25! Mac[...]

Mac Rogers is a wizard at translating sci-fi, a genre most commonly associated with comic books and movies, to the stage. His plays include The Honeycomb Trilogy, Viral, and the forthcoming Universal Robots, produced by Gideon Productions at the Sheen Center, June 3rd through the 26th. Tickets are only $25! Mac is also well-known as the writer behind the sci-fi serial podcast The Message, a joint venture by Panoply and GE. On today’s Maxamoo Theater and Performance Podcast Lindsay chats with Mac about the genesis of Universal Robots (it’s inspired by and reasonably described as a sequel to R.U.R., a science fiction play from the 1920s by Czech writer Karel Čapek), the travails of starting a theater company New York City, writing sponsored content, and his role as a grandfatherly figure in indie theater.

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