In this episode of Max and the Supply Chain Heroes Max tries to de-mystify the topic of artificial inteligence in combination with supply chain issues.
Due to Corona safety measures he is doing so by remotely interviewing Dexin Luo, an acknowledged expert in Supply Chain Management and artificial intelligence. Together they analyse ways to apply AI to the supply chain in a hands on way. Ludwig Meister themselves are currently taking first steps in using machine learning for ERP purposes, but Max is eager to learn about next steps towards AI usage.
If you like to know how to explain AI on a cocktail Party, listen to today's podcast episode. Transcript and links can be found below. And as always: we love to hear from you. Leave your comments, suggestions, criticism at [email protected].

Max in conversation with Dexin Luo, Head of Artificial Intelligence Solutions and Technologies at Linde

Ludwig Meister
