On the occasion of a visit by Tom Gale, CEO MDM from Denver / Colorado, USA to Ludwig Meister, Max seized the opportunity to question these proven distribution experts in 3 interviews.
After the already published crossover podcast, in which Tom Max has asked about his assessments of the market and the development of Ludwig Meister, we are now turning "the pike". Max asks Tom about current trends and developments in the US market around the technical trade and the supply chain.
What are the challenges, what is Tom's view of Amazon's business development and, most importantly, what kind of learning is there for Europe and Germany? How far ahead are the US in developments?
In a third part of this talk between Max and Tom, which we will be releasing in a few weeks, it is then about an analysis software developed by Tom - so far unfortunately only for the US market, but highly interesting, as they show regional / local sales potential and helps lift.
But now have fun listening to today's podcast episode. Transcript, translation and links can be found below. And as always: your opinion please. We welcome comments, suggestions, criticism at [email protected]

Max talking to Tom Gale, CEO Modern Distribution Management

Company from Tom Gale: https://www.mdm.com/

Company from Max Meister: https://www.ludwigmeister.de

Blog to this Podcast: https://supplychainhelden.de/