Today we interview Lynette Breyttenbach who has travelled with MavenWoman to the Warrumbungles.

Lynette shares her seeking story, from being intuitive for as long as she can remember to talking to spirits when she was a toddler.  She shares about her mother taking her to see doctors and counsellors to get help, and the experiences that caused her to feel different to everyone else and hide her gifts in case people thought she was crazy.

She takes us through her journey to Australia and finding the right people and courses that allowed her to rediscover the parts of herself she had buried.  How she learned that she was clairsentient and that her sensitivity was in fact, empathy. Through this journey, Lynette found that self care wasn’t about being selfish and she began to trust her gifts more and more.

Having found Fiona and her intuitive workshops, she was then guided to travel to land with MavenWoman - which opened a new new level of healing particularly around her own mother wounding.

Lynette shares vulnerably about a pregnancy and abortion and how finally opening up to her mother about it released so much internal worry and pain.

She also talks about the power of Circle and finding the right people - her people - feeling acceptance and being heard and the full circle then of feeling the acceptance of herself.

An amazing sharing for anyone who may be struggling with their own gifts and where to turn and what to do next. Trusting in the process.