Episode 54 of the Mavens Do It Better Podcast features Mari L. McCarthy, Founder and Chief Empowerment Officer of CreateWriteNow home of journaling for “The Health Of IT™” healing people’s “issues in their tissues.” Mari is also an accomplished recording artist about to put out her fourth album.

Mari and Heather caught up virtually from Green Harbor, MA, and Marina del Rey, CA.

Listen in as they talk about:

Mari’s experience creating her business CreateWriteNow that was launched from her losing feeling in the side of her body from Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and needing a way to take control of her health and learn to write with her left hand.

The power of journaling, using pen to page and how Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way helped her learn about childhood issues and her love of music which lead to her creating her business and her fourth album.

The process and technique of Journaling for The Health of IT uses writing to help individuals focus on their thoughts and inner self to encourage awareness and improve overall health and success in life while building the thriving relationships we all yearn for in our lives.

Why journaling works, therapeutic journaling, in fact, and how it is different than keeping a diary, how traveling back through our past as adult not to relive but to revisit from an observer perspective and explore issues to discover and in some cases recover your true self.


To connect with Mari: Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter

Mari L. McCarthy

In 1998, Mari lost the feeling and function in the right side of her body. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) took them from her. The doctors weren’t helping, so she began a journey to take control of her health. It wasn’t easy for her. She had to learn to write with her left hand. But she dedicated herself to daily ACTION and began a journaling practice known as Morning Pages. She could never have anticipated how powerful and effective this process would become.

As she continued her writing practice, her MS symptoms improved. But, more important, he discovered, uncovered, and recovered her True Self and even tapped into talents she never knew she had.

Best of all, she has developed a compassionate relationship with herself and inner serenity. She started CreateWriteNow to share her methods, expertise and passion for her Journaling For The Health Of It™ to people across the globe who want to master their life challenges and thrive.

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