Still trapped in the 1940s, they must survive long enough to be returned to the college Continue reading →

The post Maudelayne: Series 3 Episode 1: Silent Running first appeared on Maudelayne » Podcast Feed.

Originally Posted February 11th, 2010

Art by: Alexa Chipman

Still trapped in the 1940s, they must survive long enough to be returned to the college, but with Westbrook shot down in Germany and Atherton in a submarine being depth charged, it may not be possible.

Recurring Voice Talent:

Mark Kalita as Percy Atherton

Paeter Frandsen as John Westbrook

David Maciver as Nigel Worsley

Bruce Busby as Lord David Cecil

Steven Jay Cohen as Walter de Burgh

David Ault as Winston Colchester

Guest Voice Talent:

Alexa Chipman as Sulis

Stevie K. Farnaby as German

Michael Hudson as Lt. Commander Hezlet

Curt Palmer as Submariner

Mat Weller as Submariner

Kim Gianopolous as Mrs. Jane de Burgh

Bill Hollweg as Sgt. Ben Ruckel

Music provided by: Spare Parts

The post Maudelayne: Series 3 Episode 1: Silent Running first appeared on Maudelayne » Podcast Feed.