Art by: Jonathon Earl Bowser The Norns arrive with their spinning. Westbrook irritates one of them who in revenge cuts his thread. Worsley and Atherton distract a Norn long enough to reweave his life together. Guest Voice Talent: Kim Gianopoulos … Continue reading →

The post Maudelayne Episode 7: The Loom first appeared on Maudelayne » Podcast Feed.

Art by: Jonathon Earl Bowser

The Norns arrive with their spinning. Westbrook irritates one of them who in revenge cuts his thread. Worsley and Atherton distract a Norn long enough to reweave his life together.

Guest Voice Talent:

Kim Gianopoulos as Skuld

Laura Nicole as Verandi

Antonia Gottesmann as Urd

Music provided by: Spare Parts and & Ted Nasmith: visit his web site for more information and fantastic J.R.R. Tolkien inspired artwork.

The following Audio Drama is rated G- for General Audience and is suitable for all ages. For more info:

The post Maudelayne Episode 7: The Loom first appeared on Maudelayne » Podcast Feed.