Here's a special episode today hosted by my good friend Troy Dean.

We chatted a while back about putting on a"host swap" of sorts. I interview a guest for his show, he interviews a guest for mine. I had a great time and he really knocked it out of the park on this episode. You can also head over to watch my interview with Jason Cohen on Troy's site.

In today's episode we're hearing from one of my community fave's Japh Thomson of X-team. He shares his story about developing the WP-Stream plugin with folks like Frankie Jarrett. Sit back, relax, and get ready to listen to the Matt Report hosted by WPElevation!

Interview with Japh Thomson
Listening options
Itunes:subscribe to MattReport
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Let us know what you think!
Want to see more host swapping going on? It was very insightful to see Troy going through the paces of my process and question list. I know I had a bit of a challenge running through his framework, but in the end, the interview still came out great. Go ahead and check it out here.

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