Another podcast for your earballs. This week on the show we talk:

My trip to Austin and to Ransom Hall which houses some of the largest movie memorabilia in the country. From Robert Deniro to Paul Schrader, the collection has something for everyone.  (ask for Michael Gilmore. He's the best and has a fantastic beard) 

Disney has finally bought Fox. Are they single-handedly keeping the industry afloat or will we all be living in a homogenized Disney before the end of the decade? 

Spielberg is looking for a fight with Netflix and we ask why. Is he talking out of both sides of his mouth or does he have a real point about the future of movies.

Netflix still dominates the viewing landscape but with a top 10 that only covers network tv show reruns, is it a model that will last?

The Matrix was a little movie that came out two decades ago. What are the lasting impressions, if any, it has on people today.

And Once Upon a Time in Hollywood the trailer dropped this week as well as the first poster for the movie. What a surprise. Matt and Matt are marks for new Tarantino.

Sorry about the audio problems at the end. Apparently, Matt needs more disk space. 

Check us out on social media @mattmen or @mattmenpodcast, follow us on itunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and don't forget you can get all of season one's  archives on youtube.