What small cap stocks should you invest in? What alt coins should you invest in as the rally starts? And speaking of rallies EV’s are rallying!
Theres so much action and so many questions and Matt has the answers!Small Cap stocks are where you need to be in order to make big gains, yes the large caps are stable but it’s hard for you to make huge gains with those. Matt has been telling viewers fro invest in small cap stocks forever. But what small cap stocks should you invest in? Matt has some ideas to share with you today.And speaking of things Matt has been preaching for a while, how about this alt coin rally? If you were one of the smart people who has clicked the link in the end screen and signed up for ultimate crypto you could have been up over 100%! But Matt still thinks there’s opportunities in alt-coins, as bitcoin nears all time highs.And not just alt-coins, but also SPACs, Matt goes through 10 SPACs in this episode and gives his thoughts on all of them.All this and so much more on this episode on Moneyline!