Wondering how to handle volatility in the stock market with all the insanity going on lately? Matt has your answers!This has been an insane week for the stock market with some of the greatest volatility you have ever seen. In times like this it’s tough to know what to do. No one want’s two be the one chasing the action then left holding the bag when everything comes crashing down. Instead of trading like the masses, Matt lays out his mindset for being successful in the market year over year and how to handle Volatility like what we’ve seen this week.Should investors be chasing companies like Gamestop? Long term investors don’t need to. And in Today’s investing 101 segment Matt explains How he is able to beat the markets year after year without jumping on fads fueled by nothing but hot air. He explains his processes for selecting companies to invest in that will still do well despite volatility in the stock market, in fact he covers a few that actually have. It’s tough to compete with Wall Street, but with the correct strategy the average investor can build a sound portfolio that will grow year over year despite volatility in the stock market by investing in solid long term growth companies. On this episode of Moneyline Matt teaches you how to make the right picks so stay tuned!