Producer Ben fills in for Matt this week as the podcast heads both
underground and into an intergalactic wrestling circuit. Brett and Ben’s
childhood — and adulthood — Turtle fandom shines through in this
dissection of the comics based on and inspired by the 1987 cartoon
series. Would these comics have given Brett and Ben’s kid selves their
desperately needed Turtle Fix?

Man-Ray wields a harpoon
“Now for some real work…”
“I want a pizza! Like now!”
NYC in a nut shell
Wrestlers posing
A Zardoz moment
Splinter: caught in the act
Wingnut and Screwloose origin story

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Adventures #5-8 was written by Ryan Brown
and Dean Clarrain, with art by Ken Mitchroney and Jim Lawson. You can
purchase the comics on Comixology or from Amazon as a nicely bound
trade paperback
or a digital download for your Kindle.

Be sure to check out Raise Some Shell by Richard Rosenbaum (also
on the iBooks Store), Tubin’ from the Coming Out Of Their
Shells album
, and if you can find a decent copy of the Turtles’
appearance on Oprah, let us know. It looks like Brett might have the
only copy!

Music: “Turtle Power” by Partners In Kryme

"Ben Ragheb / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures #5-8 (1989-1990)" originally appeared at