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Renowned sculptor Helaine Blumenfeld continually re-invents herself in her search for a vocabulary of form.

Helaine’s work communicates on all levels: visual, tactile and emotional. She is well-known for her public art and her sculptures often seems weightless as she strives to portray something spiritual. Her work is a continuous journey of discovery and growth.

Helaine tells us about becoming an artist, her unstoppable urge to create and how she first came to Pietrasanta 50 years ago.

She now divides her working life between Pietrasanta, Italy, and Cambridge, UK and has been honoured in both countries. In 2007, she was the first woman to be awarded the prestigious ‘International Sculpture Prize: Pietrasanta and Versilia in the World’ and in 2011 was awarded an honorary OBE for services to the arts.

In her recent exhibition, Intimacy and Isolation, Helaine explores beyond the level of personal relationships to our place in the world as her sculptures express what it means to be connected and to share perspectives.

Flame, is part of the outdoor exhibition of art in Pietrasanta placed on Via Oberdan.



Sound edit and design: Mike Axinn

Music: courtesy of Audio Network

Fading Colours 1596/2, by Paul Mottram