Flo looks up at the stars with the Pixel 3's Astrophotography mode, and Andy wonders if he'll ever find neutral ground with YouTube Music. We discuss FastCompany's illuminating profile with ATAP's Dan Kaufman and why the EU's anti-trust concerns are delaying the FitBit turnover. Before we bow out, help us figure out if Google search has started implementing a countdown for soon-to-be-released games.

Flo looks up at the stars with the Pixel 3's Astrophotography mode, and Andy wonders if he'll ever find neutral ground with YouTube Music. We discuss FastCompany's illuminating profile with ATAP's Dan Kaufman and why the EU's anti-trust concerns are delaying the FitBit turnover. Before we bow out, help us figure out if Google search has started implementing a countdown for soon-to-be-released games.

Links and Show Notes:

The Comet, as shot by a Pixel 3

Fast Company: Inside Google's secretive ATAP research lab

The Verge: Google just put a photo of the Pixel 4A on its store

Reuters: Google offers data pledge in bid to win EU okay for Fitbit buy

Reddit: Google search displays release timers for game releases

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