Nevermind that Flo finally has her Google Clips—what's going on in Barcelona? Andy, Flo, and Russell break down the announcements at MWC 2018 and weigh in on whether the show is still about smartphones (or is it about _assistants_?) Russell then educates us on Google's cross-platform app framework called Flutter, and whether it has a future with developers.

Nevermind that Flo finally has her Google Clips—what's going on in Barcelona? Andy, Flo, and Russell break down the announcements at MWC 2018 and weigh in on whether the show is still about smartphones (or is it about assistants?) Russell then educates us on Google's cross-platform app framework called Flutter, and whether it has a future with developers.

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Links and Show Notes

CNET: Galaxy S9 IRL: What it's like to use Samsung's gorgeous new phones

The Verge: Google releases Flutter cross-platform app framework into beta