Andy's enthusiasm for Sir Paul McCartney's live stream is infectious. Your hosts check up on their Nexus Q auctions before getting into the week's biggest tangential news: there might be ads coming to your Lock Screen. We'll also discuss Google's new policies to protect your health-related search queries and tell you a tale of YouTube's latest folly.

Andy's enthusiasm for Sir Paul McCartney's live stream is infectious. Your hosts check up on their Nexus Q auctions before getting into the week's biggest tangential news: there might be ads coming to your Lock Screen. We'll also discuss Google's new policies to protect your health-related search queries and tell you a tale of YouTube's latest folly.

Links and Show Notes:

Your Next Android Phone's Lock Screen Could Be Filled With Ads

Protecting people's privacy on health topics

YouTube flags horror video as “for kids,” won't let creator change rating

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