Previous Episode: 203: Apples and Oranges

Flo and Andy start you off this week with lots of laptop talk and a case for why progressive web apps are the next big thing you haven't thought about in a while. After the break, the two dissect the unnerving political theater of the U.S. versus Huawei spectacle. And, what happens when Google and Facebook are told to quit it with the _faux_ news.

Flo and Andy start you off this week with lots of laptop talk and a case for why progressive web apps are the next big thing you haven't thought about in a while. After the break, the two dissect the unnerving political theater of the U.S. versus Huawei spectacle. And, what happens when Google and Facebook are told to quit it with the faux news.

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Links and Show Notes:

A to-the-point breakdown of what's happening between the U.S. Government and Huawei

Huawei's official statement on the matter

Did you know Huawei has a Plan B?

EU asks Googs and Facebook to please rid of the fake news

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