Previous Episode: 190: Happy Palentine's Day
Next Episode: 192: The Fold Report

Samsung isn't exactly Google, but we're going deep into the Galaxy S10 launch details this week. We're talking about the phones, the accessories, and the impact all these things will have on Android's bottom line.

And so the entire podcast isn't about Samsung, we briefly touch upon YouTube's new three-strikes policy, after the second and why we'd love virtual desktops on Chrome OS after the second break.

Samsung isn't exactly Google, but we're going deep into the Galaxy S10 launch details this week. We're talking about the phones, the accessories, and the impact all these things will have on Android's bottom line.

And so the entire podcast isn't about Samsung, we briefly touch upon YouTube's new three-strikes policy, after the second and why we'd love virtual desktops on Chrome OS after the second break.

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Links and Show Notes:

Google the words "Samsung" and "Galaxy S10" and you'll find everything you need for this episode

YouTube Creator Blog: Making our strikes system clear and consistent

Virtual Desks are coming to Chrome OS

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