Andy and Flo have plenty to say this week about the Google Assistant and how it works on the Lenovo Smart Display, Google's plan to bring its search engine to China, and the new standards on how many notches can exist on a single Android device. The world is indeed changing, but we're here to help you navigate it all.

Andy and Flo have plenty to say this week about the Google Assistant and how it works on the Lenovo Smart Display, Google's plan to bring its search engine to China, and the new standards on how many notches can exist on a single Android device. The world is indeed changing, but we're here to help you navigate it all.

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Links and Show Notes

Google plans to launch a censored search engine in China: Does this fit into the code of conduct?

The YouTube Music app will be updated every two weeks: That's great, but what's happening to my Google Play Music library?

There's a limit on the notch: Thank goodness