Julian Wilson began his career at Apple in the late 80s. Here he worked on projects such as the world's first set top box, hybrid CD / internet games console and as part of the team who introduced Newton [arguably the forerunner to the iPhone].  

He left Apple to join ATT in 1996, where he conceived and built a digital cash payment service for mobile phones based on smart cards.  In 1999 after raising $5m from US venture capitalists and the Dutch Government, Julian led a management buyout of this technology to create SmartAxis BV.  After two more Internet start-ups focused on identity and mobile data, Julian joined Barclays engineering team in late 2013, where amongst other things he and a colleague submitted global patents for modification to the bitcoin protocols / blocks of crypto currency.  

Julian joined Ecospend in 2019 to build a self-sovereign data service on top of an Open Banking platform. He describes his role as putting an Internet lens onto product design.


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