Our guest this week Dr. Izdihar Jamil. Dr. Jamil is a former computer scientist turned Business Coach who now resides in California

She loves helping women to be Bestselling Authors in 90 Days and get booked in the media/speaking gig to position themselves as the Top 1% Authority in their field.

Her methods are proven, simple and effective- designed to produced the fastest results possible for her clients.

She is also the #1 Bestselling International Author with her book “She Made It Happen”, "13 Key Strategies To Make Money Fast In Business" and "Yes I Can!".

She was featured on TED Ed presenting her story about "Turning Fear Into Success" and "The Power Of Rejection- Turning NOs Into Success".

It is her greatest pleasure to see women having confidence in themselves and be successful in their business so they can take care of their families.